You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How Charlie Died

Rose: I'm sure it isn't a heart attack. A heart attack's bigger. I've seen a heart attack. Charlie had a heart attack.
Dorothy: And it wasn't like this?
Rose: Oh, it was much worse.
Dorothy: I think the paramedics would get here!
Rose: Charlie made me dress him when he had his heart attack, before the paramedics got here.
Dorothy: But he wasn't dressed?
Rose: We were... making love.
Dorothy: Oh, Rose, honey, you never told me. He died while you were making love?
Rose: Well, he didn't die then, he had his heart attack then. And, he told me to dress him.
Dorothy: And?
Rose: And I dressed him. And then we had a fight. I grabbed a pair of white pants, and I was putting it on him, and Charlie said it was after Labor Day and he couldn't wear white!
Dorothy: In the middle of a heart attack?
Rose: Oh, Charlie was very stubborn. And very dapper.
Dorothy: And, then what happened?
Rose: ...And he...told me he loved me...and then it was over. And I put a pair of gray flannel pants on him. And a blue shirt...and a striped tie. And he was all dressed when the paramedics got there.
Dammit, if this doesn't get me teary every freakin' time!


  1. This is so sad, poor Rose. I get a little teary every time one of the girls talks about how her husband died. Except Dorothy, because Stan is still alive.

  2. GamesofThronesILoveBranOctober 3, 2012 at 4:59 AM

    There was also an episode where Rose surprises herself with a birthday cake, and she tells Charlie's ghost that she'll be moving to Miami. That one was sad too. You should cover that one next.
