You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jewish Jewelers?

Note: I know what you're thinking... Little Falls? The hell is that!?!?

St. Olaf would eventually become Rose's hometown, and the star of many wonderful, oddball stories. But in the pilot Rose was from Little Falls, not St. Olaf. That change was made later in season 1.

What the HELL is she wearing now?: They Actually Looked Good Edition!

This one goes to our dearest Southern Belle, Blanche Devereaux!

This lovely dress made it's premier on the premier. That's right, the first time we meet Blanche she is getting ready for a date with Harry, and is wearing probably the nicest thing we will ever see her in again! Although of all the girls Blanche is the most stylish, she still pulls a lot of God-awful outfits out of her closet. But this one, very nice on her and it still screams Blanche (that low cut, cleavage exposing neckline helps). Also, according to Sophia, Blanche looks like a prostitute!

Unfortunately, I can't find a picture of the full dress. But if you want it in full:
And go to 1:43. The stole is pure stupidity though. Or go to 3:27 and skip the stupid stole. Also, the Blanche accent isn't in full swing yet!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Betty Graffiti

Rose has been out tagging the town apparently.

Personally, I don't have a huge issue with graffiti, but a big Betty head really would classen-up so many subway tunnels, back alleys and park benches.

The Golden Tighty Whitey

Ho Ho! I know what my boyfriend is getting for Christmas!

And this one for me:

And should you be looking to Golden up some of your unmentionables:

Golden Girls Underwear, Knickers, Panties

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Blanche: We're going to New York for the honeymoon. I just hope I don't get murdered.

*Note to Blanche: We have spent many a summer in NYC, we've stayed in the sleaziest of motels (Lincoln Tunnel Motel, anyone?), walked through the scariest parts of town and even slept in our car, in a parking garage in the Bronx. We survived it, you can too!*


I don't know how this dumb-ass "saying" is still floating around. How old is the commercial? Well, post GG' I guess I can't complain.

Good job Kimberlybackwriter@KimberlyBack, that is what Blanche would say. Sophia would probably call her a slut though.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Supporting Actor: Lynnie Greene

Lynda "Lynnie" Greene, was born May 21, 1954 in Newton, Massachusetts.. She is an actress, writer, director and producer in the television industry. She is also credited occasionally as Lyn Greene.

In 1977 she co-starred with Bess Armstrong in the short-lived CBS comedy On Our Own. She also played a recurring role in The Golden Girls, as young Dorothy Zbornak.
 Greene as Dorothy Zbornak, very convincing as a young Bea Arthur.

She originated the role of Emma Goldman in the original off-Broadway production of Assassins, as well as recreating the role of Comrade Charlotte in the 1987 version of Flora the Red Menace.

Greene was previously a writer and an executive producer on the series Nip/Tuck. Greene currentlythe executive producer of the series Scoundrels, which is a remake of the television series, Outrageous Fortune.

And just for some comparison fun, here's young Bea and young Lynnie:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cats vs Lesbians

Mr. Minky, the Town Librarian

Rose: Well, I for one, don’t think there’s such a thing as a totally rotten human being. I think there’s some good in everybody. Well, maybe she’s just one of those people that need to be shown some kindness like a fellow I knew back home, Ernest T. Minky. 

Ernest T. Minky was St. Olaf’s librarian. He was also our town’s only dentist. His office was right in the library where he could do both jobs at the same time. But everyone hated Minky! Well he seemed to enjoy great pleasure in giving other people pain. They hated him so much that nobody every went to the dentist or the library. In 1938, you could tell if someone was from St. Olaf. They were illiterate and they had teeth that looked like Indian corn! 

I’m only half done. One summer, I worked up enough nerve to check out the latest Nancy Drew mystery and Mr. Minky was stamping my book and his tie caught in the stamping machine. He’d have choked to death if I hadn’t cut his tie with my Girl Scout knife. Well, he was so overwhelmed with gratitude, he let me check my book out for a whole week! Oh, usually he’d only let you check a book out for an hour. Mr. Minky always said, “Books belong in a library.”

The point is, some people you think are mean might just need a little bit of kindness. 

Golden Quote of the Day

Rose: And then once, in grade school, I cross bred a rutabaga and a potato but I couldn’t decide whether to call it a “rutatato” or a “potatobaga.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Special Guest Star...Mario Lopez

I was born in 1980. Many, many of the special guest stars from the GG's Hall of Fame are people I am only barely familiar with, and usually those I do know, I know through my parents. But one of the few guest I actually did know was good ol' A.C. Slater...I mean Mario Lopez.

This was years before Saved By The Bell, but Mario had a nice beefy role in Episode 21 of Season 2, "Dorothy's Prized Pupil". Mario played "Mario" (that must have been hard for him to remember), a student that Dorothy is tutoring after school. He writes a nice, cheesy speech about going to the movies with his Uncle, and how that makes America wonderful something something...and Dorothy submits his speech for some great prize. The prize he wins is deportation! YAY! Back to Mexico Mario, or wherever the hell you are from!

Of course, Dorothy feels awful and the girls try to fight the deportation, but he gets sent back home in the end. Sad ending for poor Mario.

I think wee Mario did a pretty good job, he was convincing, endearing and even a little charming. Would it have been more convincing for the actor to have had an accent, so it didn't seem like they were deporting a non-white American kid? Sure. But whatever. Besides it all worked out for him in the long run, even if I hated Saved By The Bell and A.C. Slater...
Why a mullet of all things?

Monday, September 17, 2012

The "Sophia" is the new "Rachel"

Rose looks the worst. Blurgh!
Marguerite: Alright, I won't go on with this charade any longer... there is something else -- I'm black. If that's a problem for you, I'm white. Of course that will cost you extra.
Dorothy: Oh, Marguerite, I could kiss you!
Marguerite: And I don't go for that freaky stuff.
Rose: [while Blanche is sitting next to her] Neither do Dorothy and I.

What the HELL is she wearing now?

Ah, sequined gym wear! How the 80's loved you!

I'll be fair to the Girls and admit that these snazzy outfits are not the ones they originally wore to the gym. They actually wore sensible sweats, like any sane senior should (awesome alliteration). Upon joining an aerobics class the girls learn that to be serious about exercising, you also have to have some serious exercise clothes. The aerobics instructor, a woman who would be very pretty if she didn't have a face, pretty much pressures the ladies into purchasing extravagant(ly expensive) workout gear.

That's right, these were the years when proper gear wasn't yoga pants from Lululemon (did I say extravagantly expensive...?), but rather leggings/vests/wife beaters covered in sequins, legwarmers, sparkly headbands, keds-like shoes and giant gold hoop earrings.

Honestly, Dorothy doesn't look too bad. Blanche on the other hand looks like she's auditioning to be a back-up dancer in a Michael Jackson video.

Rose was the only one not effected by peer pressure. She wore her good ol' grey sweats.

Windshield Wipers!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Dorothy: Ma, "disdam" is not a word.

Sophia: It certainly is!

Dorothy: Okay, prove it, use it in a sentence.

Sophia: You're no good at disdam game.

*I play Scrabble the Sophia way*

Golden Needlepoint

There is something very fitting about an old lady art form starring some classic old ladies.
Love it, BTW! I would buy this in a second.

Keep it civil, Aunt Angela

Monday, September 10, 2012

Golden Quotes of the Day

You're getting a few this time:

Barbara Thorndyke: Blanche, the waves are a metaphor. You see a metaphor...

Blanche: I know what a metaphor is dear, I'm not a dummy.

Rose: Blanche, what's a metaphor?

Blanche: It's when you use a phrase to mean something else. Like when I say "men are blinded by my beauty". They're not really blinded. They get their sight back in a day or two.


Dorothy: You know, I think I saw Jack and Janet give Chrissy this treatment on an episode of Three's Company.

Blanche: Oh, at last a reference from Dorothy that even we illiterates can understand.

Rose: I guess her well of knowledge has run dry. That's a metaphor, Dorothy.

And the scene:

Goldens on DYAC

Got to love this one, found on
Also, rummage?

Blanche's Stash

From Season 1, Episode 8: The Break In

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Golden Onesies

Essential wear for all children.

Believe me when I say that every child I ever know, from now on, will have one of these.

Stan the Cheater

Dorothy: Oh, I remember when Stanley told me he was having an affair. It was at least 24 hours before I cut the crotches out of all his slacks.
Blanche: You didn't!
Dorothy: I was teaching English Lit at the time. Symbolism was my life.

Golden Quote of the Day

Blanche: Rose, let's go watch I Love Lucy in the kitchen.
Rose: But that set is black and white!

More Golden E-Cards

Still have no idea what the point of these things are:

Golden Girls referenced on Arthur?

Ok, I think we can all agree that Golden Girls is the best show ever. However, I will occasionally mention other awesome shows on this blog. Please understand, they are in no way any competition with GG's. Nothing can ever be as awesome as they are.

Do you know what make an awesome (but less awesome than GG's) show even awesomer? When they make any sort of reference to The Golden Girls. And today that show is Arthur. Yes, Arthur. Yes, that animated children's show. Shut up, you know you secretly love it. At least I do. And not secretly either.

So, back to my point. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but I can only hope and pray that it was!

Seriously, how awesome is that? I didn't make this screen cap, someone else had already done it, which means that I wasn't the only one to think "Holy shit! Golden Girls!" I just wish that rabbit looked more like Sophia.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

What's going through Dorothys mind?

Saint Olaf's Fight Song

Rose: I happen to have written songs before. I wrote the fight song for our high school. Onward St. Olaf, they still sing it. “Onward St. Olaf, onward we go. Onward and onward St. Olaf’s go. Go, go, go. Go, go, go. Go…”

How Charlie Died

Rose: I'm sure it isn't a heart attack. A heart attack's bigger. I've seen a heart attack. Charlie had a heart attack.
Dorothy: And it wasn't like this?
Rose: Oh, it was much worse.
Dorothy: I think the paramedics would get here!
Rose: Charlie made me dress him when he had his heart attack, before the paramedics got here.
Dorothy: But he wasn't dressed?
Rose: We were... making love.
Dorothy: Oh, Rose, honey, you never told me. He died while you were making love?
Rose: Well, he didn't die then, he had his heart attack then. And, he told me to dress him.
Dorothy: And?
Rose: And I dressed him. And then we had a fight. I grabbed a pair of white pants, and I was putting it on him, and Charlie said it was after Labor Day and he couldn't wear white!
Dorothy: In the middle of a heart attack?
Rose: Oh, Charlie was very stubborn. And very dapper.
Dorothy: And, then what happened?
Rose: ...And he...told me he loved me...and then it was over. And I put a pair of gray flannel pants on him. And a blue shirt...and a striped tie. And he was all dressed when the paramedics got there.
Dammit, if this doesn't get me teary every freakin' time!

Golden Quote of the Day

Sophia: [backing against the front door after Dorothy leaves, and grinning wickedly at Blanche] Fasten your seat belt, slut-puppy! This ain't gonna be no cakewalk!