You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Friday, July 19, 2013

Henny Penny, Straight No Chaser

Oh Baby, this is the motherload of favourite moments! Mother Cluckin' Henny Penny!

So, for you morons out there who don't know the awesomeness that is Henny Penny, let me drop some learnin' on your ass. Dorothy's school gets to put on a school play to get children interested in reading. Her class picks Henny Penny, then they all die of the plague. Ok, not really. But they do get sick and all have to drop out. However the shown must go on, and so Rose, Blanche and Sophia all pitch in to make the play a success.

Do I need to tell you the story of Henny Penny? Well, I'm not going to. Look it up you lazy jerks. I know you have the internet!

Rose gets the titular role of Henny Penny, a clueless twit who gets hit in the head by an acorn and thinks the sky is falling. Blanche is Goosey Loosey, because she's a ho. Dorothy is naturally Turkey Lurkey, and she steals the show with her awesomeness. Sophia plays the Narrator. They are all A++ in my book! The song is awesome, the costumes are great, I love how each girl moves like each specific barnyard fowl (though Rose does it the best).

Brace yourselves, here it comes:
 Also, once you've watched it through a few times, go to 4:06. Dorothy's "Help!" is the very bestest.

Also also, Foxxy Loxxy is played by George Hearn, Broadway's original Demon Barber himself, Sweeney Todd. How perfect is it that they end up getting cooked in the end?

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