You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Part of my Heritage

Merry Christmas from TYFBAF!

 The Girls have had some great Christmases, haven't they? Like remember that time that Santa held them at gun point at Rose's work?
 Or Stan was broke/in trouble/in bankruptcy and then realized the "True Meaning" of Christmas when he helped out at a soup kitchen? Good times, good times.
 And how could we forget that time the girls all sat on the couch in colour co-ordinated outfits, with colour co-ordinated presents? Ah yes!
 Lest we forget the time Blanche wanted to Ho Ho Ho it up for Santa! Rose put an end to that holiday party though (I think she was jealous).

If only all our Christmases could be so Golden!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

5 Little Facts- Rue McClanahan

  • Rue was born Edie-Rue McClanahan. She dropped the "Edie" after she was sent a letter from the US Army letting her know she had been conscripted (apparently she had been mistaken for a boy regularly in her youth, thinking her name was "Eddie").
  • Rue has been married 6 times, her ex-husbands are; Tom Bish, Norman Hartweg, Peter DeMaio, Gus Fisher, and Tom Keel. Her sixth husband, Morrow Wilson, was married to her until her death, however they had been estranged since 2009.
  • Was a vegan and dedicated animal rights activist.
  • She kept every outfit she wore while on "The Golden Girls" and used a majority of them for her everyday wear away from the show.
  • Rue was born Feb 21st 1934, in Healdton, OK and died June 3rd 2010, in New York, NY.

Golden Quote of the Day

Picture it, Sicily...

Sophia: Picture it, Sicily 1922. It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times -- it was Sicily 1922: A beautiful young woman with breasts not unlike Brigette Nielson, except hers moved when she skipped, she comes walking down a picturesque country road when suddenly a yellow Rolls Royce pulls up and blocks her path! The Rolls Royce moves on and the girls finds her pepperoni is missing; she has no pepperoni to bring to her family's table, she gets hysterical. She starts to run. She runs through the field, the meadow, over the hill until she comes to a raging river filled with pepperoni swimming up stream!

Dorothy:Ma, pepperoni swimming up stream??

Sophia:Yeah, I know it's odd. Pepperoni is a land meat -- but there it was.
She leans into the river, grabs an arm full and races home to feed her family. When she tells them the story they think its an act of God. As it turned out a disgruntled pepperoni stuffer had blown up the factory in a neighbouring town and caused pepperoni to rain down over a hundred square miles, which is where the old saying "it's raining cats and pepperoni" comes from. Is this helping anyone yet because this sure feels like an ending to me...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rue's Broadway Debut

Our dearest Blanche... er, I mean Rue, got her Broadway start in a play that no one has ever heard of, Jimmy Shine. The year was 1969 and a young Dustin Hoffman had just starred in The Graduate, and then for some reason taken a role in this play (nobody ever heard of). It apparently did well (considering nobody's ever heard of it) and our lovely Rue had a co-starring role as Sally Weber, the girl who Jimmy is in love with.

The play sounds dull. If singing lions aren't trying to kill each other, or green woman aren't dangling from the ceiling I just ain't interested! The only reason I brought this up at all? To share these pictures!

Sexy, sexy all the way.

*Special trivia: Rue actually did co-star in the flying green woman show, playing Madam Morrible in May 2005*

Monday, December 3, 2012

Golden Matryoshka Doll

I am so jealous of the person who owns this!
I love Russian Nesting Dolls, I have a few sets of my own. But these, these magnificent things would be the apex of any collection! Can I tell you how much I love that Dorothy is the biggest and Sophia the smallest! Blanche's cleavage! Rose's pearls! Sophia is even wearing that ugly yellow sweater of hers! Jealous!

Here's a regular set (for those who have no idea what these are A.K.A. Big Losers)

Golden Quote of the Day

Rose: I just found out I'm the most boring on alive!

Sophia: Did something happen to Regis Philbin?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Blanche: Tell me something, girls. Am I competent in what I do?

Rose: Based on the sounds from your bedroom, I'd say you're damn near spectacular!

Friday, November 30, 2012

What'll I Do?

I enjoy all the singing the girls do. Really, they might not be the most stunning vocalists, and we often only get to hear bit parts of the songs, but there is something great about their musical performances that I just can't put my finger on. It might be that they remind me of family, my family. My mother and my aunts, and every family get together over the last 30 years. One will start humming, another will butt in with a few words from the chorus, and before any one knows exactly how it's started they've been singing mouldy-oldies for an hour.

This performance is hands down my favourite. Dorothy has accompanied Blanche to the Rusty Anchor, tired of being single and alone, and is promptly dumped by Blanche in favour of getting as much attention possible (from as many men as possible). Dorothy sits down next to the piano and eventually begins to sing, gaining all the attention that Blanche was aiming to get.

Dorothy may not be the first songstress you would think of having sing Irving Berlin's "What'll I Do", and so many others have covered it who would seem more apt to do so, but as far as I am concerned Dorothy's version is the best. It both makes me cry and laugh, and her emotion shines through with every word. You can't help but love her, and her showmanship right there at the end always makes me smile. And as Blanche said "Dorothy, when you sing you light up the room. You do. You positively glow, you're beautiful."

Rest in Peace, Pussycat. You touched my heart.

5 Little Facts- Bea Arthur

  • She was born Bernice Frankel, in her youth she married Robert Alan Arthur. She later married Gene Saks.
  • Bea did not like to watch her own performances in film or television.
  • Before she was a successful actress and a comedienne, she was a truck driver and a typist in the Marine Corps.
  •  According to a television interview, Arthur claimed that her start in comedy came when she was only a lounge singer. Apparently, when she got up on stage to sing torch songs, the audience would laugh at her because of her deep voice and her height. The nightclub manager then approached her and told her she was in the wrong business. She should be doing comedy instead.
  • Was best friends with Angela Lansbury and Adrienne Barbeau

Friday, November 9, 2012

So Blanche is Steve's Grandma?

I never would have guessed, he doesn't sound one bit Southern.

Season 3, Episode 1 : Blue's Big Treasure Hunt. If you couldn't have guessed, it's about a treasure hunt...a big one. Also starring the voices of Carol Kane and Gregory Hines.

Reverend Mackenzie and Millie Beasley

 Rose remembers her rebellious stage:

I cringe at some of the stunts I pulled when I went through my rebellious stage. Like climbing out my bedroom window and stealing my father’s truck to drive to a bar in the city to meet Clel Lightener. Oh, Clel was the cutest boy at our high school. He was also the only sophomore old enough to get into a bar. I sat in the truck for hours, paralyzed with fear. I kept thinking to myself, “What is a simple Protestant farm girl doing in the parking lot of a gin mill in a flashy, fast-paced city like Tyler’s Landing?”.

I marched up to the door, and I ran right into Reverend Mackenzie coming out of the bar on the arm of Millie Beasley, wife of Emmett Beasley, our town’s most decorated war hero. Emmett received three Purple Hearts…all for head wounds. He ran the feed store in our town. ‘Course, if the truth be known, Millie was the one who had to make change for the customers. 

Oh, sorry. Anyway, Reverend Mackenzie made a deal with me. He said if I didn’t tell on him, he wouldn’t tell on me. So, I went home. He kept my secret, till the day he died. Which was two days later. Emmett found Millie and the Reverend skinny-dipping in the church’s fountain and he shot the both of them. A week later we became Lutherans.

Golden Eggies!

Chocolate eggs? Faberge eggs? Hecks no! Golden Eggs!
 I like the egg bodies, they make them all look really fat, or really pregnant. Also, it looks like you can get them in a few different designs! And there only $99! For eggs. Painted eggs.

I wonder if she takes requests?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Golden Cuties!

Me wantee!

Adorable! These should also be made in pillow size, I'd get a Dorothy one.

What the HELL is she wearing now?

Ok, there are 3 gals in this picture. Can you guess which one I'm talking about?

Here are some clues:

It's not the short one

It's not the blonde one

It is the one that looks like a Big Bird Mariachi Stripper.

Get off that piano Blanche, nobody thinks you're sexy! The Maraca's are just making it worse!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Glad to know I'm not the only one...

Who doesn't get hot over Estelle, really?

So easily forgiven...

How many of their fights ended this way? All of them? Or with Rose asking for a group hug. If only!

Also, horrible dress there, Blanche! Good God, it looks like a little pink pinafore. I know she's the youngest of the girls, but she's 60, not 6!

5 Little Facts-Estelle Getty

  • Her birth name was Estelle Scher, her married name is Estelle Gettleman.
  • Stood a whopping 4'10"
  • Was married to Arthur Gettleman (until his death in 2004). They had 2 children: Carl Gettleman and Barry Gettleman.
  • Was nicknamed "Slats" by her Golden Girls costars because of her short height and light weight. Other nicknames included "Stella" and "Ettle"
  • Passed away on July 22 2008, only three days before her 85th birthday

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Really didn't need to know that Betty...

Golden Chibi

At least that's what I'm calling them!

Another artist has jumped on the GG bandwagon, and is making and selling Golden Art. These are cute, chibi-esque drawings of our four favourite gals.

 Rose Nylund
 Dorothy Zbornak
 Blanche Devereaux
 Sophia Petrillo
And a group shot, showing just how enormously huge Dorothy is in comparison to the other ladies.

This dude sells these prints, as well as these images on shirts, sweaters and bags. Check it out, or you know, don't. I don't really care.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Favourite Moment: Backstabbing Slut

There is nothing more awesome than being able to re-watch episodes of your favourite show over and over, and still end up dying of laughter at a certain point. No matter how many times you watch it, it is always as hilarious as the first time.

In this particular episode (Season 5, Dancing in the Dark), Rose has decided to break it off with Miles, as she feels he is too learned for her simple St. Olaf self. Rose asks Blanche to be her stand in on the date. Initially Blanche refuses, but is eventually convinced by Rose to go. Dorothy thinks the whole thing is a bad idea. Then Rose busts out one of her best lines in the whole series.

Tell me that doesn't just kill you. Pure, awesome Rose! And really Blanche, what were you thinking? You never date a guy who your friend has dated. Golden rule.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jewish Jewelers?

Note: I know what you're thinking... Little Falls? The hell is that!?!?

St. Olaf would eventually become Rose's hometown, and the star of many wonderful, oddball stories. But in the pilot Rose was from Little Falls, not St. Olaf. That change was made later in season 1.

What the HELL is she wearing now?: They Actually Looked Good Edition!

This one goes to our dearest Southern Belle, Blanche Devereaux!

This lovely dress made it's premier on the premier. That's right, the first time we meet Blanche she is getting ready for a date with Harry, and is wearing probably the nicest thing we will ever see her in again! Although of all the girls Blanche is the most stylish, she still pulls a lot of God-awful outfits out of her closet. But this one, very nice on her and it still screams Blanche (that low cut, cleavage exposing neckline helps). Also, according to Sophia, Blanche looks like a prostitute!

Unfortunately, I can't find a picture of the full dress. But if you want it in full:
And go to 1:43. The stole is pure stupidity though. Or go to 3:27 and skip the stupid stole. Also, the Blanche accent isn't in full swing yet!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Betty Graffiti

Rose has been out tagging the town apparently.

Personally, I don't have a huge issue with graffiti, but a big Betty head really would classen-up so many subway tunnels, back alleys and park benches.

The Golden Tighty Whitey

Ho Ho! I know what my boyfriend is getting for Christmas!

And this one for me:

And should you be looking to Golden up some of your unmentionables:

Golden Girls Underwear, Knickers, Panties

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Blanche: We're going to New York for the honeymoon. I just hope I don't get murdered.

*Note to Blanche: We have spent many a summer in NYC, we've stayed in the sleaziest of motels (Lincoln Tunnel Motel, anyone?), walked through the scariest parts of town and even slept in our car, in a parking garage in the Bronx. We survived it, you can too!*


I don't know how this dumb-ass "saying" is still floating around. How old is the commercial? Well, post GG' I guess I can't complain.

Good job Kimberlybackwriter@KimberlyBack, that is what Blanche would say. Sophia would probably call her a slut though.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Supporting Actor: Lynnie Greene

Lynda "Lynnie" Greene, was born May 21, 1954 in Newton, Massachusetts.. She is an actress, writer, director and producer in the television industry. She is also credited occasionally as Lyn Greene.

In 1977 she co-starred with Bess Armstrong in the short-lived CBS comedy On Our Own. She also played a recurring role in The Golden Girls, as young Dorothy Zbornak.
 Greene as Dorothy Zbornak, very convincing as a young Bea Arthur.

She originated the role of Emma Goldman in the original off-Broadway production of Assassins, as well as recreating the role of Comrade Charlotte in the 1987 version of Flora the Red Menace.

Greene was previously a writer and an executive producer on the series Nip/Tuck. Greene currentlythe executive producer of the series Scoundrels, which is a remake of the television series, Outrageous Fortune.

And just for some comparison fun, here's young Bea and young Lynnie: