You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Picture it, Sicily...

Sophia: Picture it, Sicily 1922. It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times -- it was Sicily 1922: A beautiful young woman with breasts not unlike Brigette Nielson, except hers moved when she skipped, she comes walking down a picturesque country road when suddenly a yellow Rolls Royce pulls up and blocks her path! The Rolls Royce moves on and the girls finds her pepperoni is missing; she has no pepperoni to bring to her family's table, she gets hysterical. She starts to run. She runs through the field, the meadow, over the hill until she comes to a raging river filled with pepperoni swimming up stream!

Dorothy:Ma, pepperoni swimming up stream??

Sophia:Yeah, I know it's odd. Pepperoni is a land meat -- but there it was.
She leans into the river, grabs an arm full and races home to feed her family. When she tells them the story they think its an act of God. As it turned out a disgruntled pepperoni stuffer had blown up the factory in a neighbouring town and caused pepperoni to rain down over a hundred square miles, which is where the old saying "it's raining cats and pepperoni" comes from. Is this helping anyone yet because this sure feels like an ending to me...

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