You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Friday, November 30, 2012

What'll I Do?

I enjoy all the singing the girls do. Really, they might not be the most stunning vocalists, and we often only get to hear bit parts of the songs, but there is something great about their musical performances that I just can't put my finger on. It might be that they remind me of family, my family. My mother and my aunts, and every family get together over the last 30 years. One will start humming, another will butt in with a few words from the chorus, and before any one knows exactly how it's started they've been singing mouldy-oldies for an hour.

This performance is hands down my favourite. Dorothy has accompanied Blanche to the Rusty Anchor, tired of being single and alone, and is promptly dumped by Blanche in favour of getting as much attention possible (from as many men as possible). Dorothy sits down next to the piano and eventually begins to sing, gaining all the attention that Blanche was aiming to get.

Dorothy may not be the first songstress you would think of having sing Irving Berlin's "What'll I Do", and so many others have covered it who would seem more apt to do so, but as far as I am concerned Dorothy's version is the best. It both makes me cry and laugh, and her emotion shines through with every word. You can't help but love her, and her showmanship right there at the end always makes me smile. And as Blanche said "Dorothy, when you sing you light up the room. You do. You positively glow, you're beautiful."

Rest in Peace, Pussycat. You touched my heart.

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