You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Golden Tats?

 I've never been one for tattoos myself. I don't like the idea of putting something on that I can't take off again. Also, they just tend to look ugly over time. Don't lie, you know it's true.

Novelty tattoos are possibly the stupidest things on Earth, in my very humble opinion. Even more stupid, novelty tattoos based on an item from times past, or in this case a show from past times. Now I love the GG's, as I'm sure you've picked up by now, but it is beyond me why anybody would want to tattoo their wrinkly old faces on their bodies!
 Go to Google and type in the words "Golden Girl Tattoo" and just sit back and watch the monumental amount of images that flood the screen. My God, a lot of people really think that these are a good idea! They are all horrendous, and many of them bear no likeness to our favourite Girls at all.

Also, interestingly enough, many of these tattoo owners seem to be men. Those legs above obviously belong to a woman, and I don't know who owns that lovely Mount Goldmore up there, but yeah, mens like the GG tattoos!

Now, I wonder if I google "Balki Bartokomous tattoos" how many will pop up?

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