You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Golden Mistakes

In Season 2 we meet Sophia's sister Angela. She is first introduced in the episode "The Sisters" and we see her again later in "A Long Day's Journey in to Marinara". At one point they mention that they are the last left of the family, and that's why they should get along and be friends and blah, blah, blah...

Yet in Season 4 "My Brother, My Father" we meet another of Sophia's siblings, her brother Angelo. Hmmm, I thought Sophia and Angela were the last remaining who's this Angelo? And really, Angelo and Angela? They didn't even try.


Golden Quote of the Day

First Line, Last Line

Sophia's first and last lines.

Episode 1, Season 1: The Engagement

Sophia: Hi There!

Dorothy: Ma! Ma, what's the matter?

Sophia: Everyone's fine, no one died, the home burnt down.

Episode 24, Season 7: One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest Part 2

Dorothy tells Sophia that the greatest gift she ever got from her Ma was self-confidence, after Sophia had said she had a special gift for Dorothy. Sophia was actually planning on giving her some jewellery.

Sophia: Yeah, I agree, yes. It's a magnificent gift. (Pockets jewellery)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Picture It, Sicily

Boss: So, tell me about your mother's history.

Sophia: Picture it. Sicily. 1900. An olive skin woman sets out for the new world. On her journey, the ship is filled with all sorts of diseases like smallpox, consumption, and scurvy. And that was in the business class.

Boss: I meant her medical history!

Sophia: What did you think I was talking about? The ride was no picnic! The woman jumped off the boat and swam into the ship's bulkhead! That's why they had to put a metal plate in her head which caused her to receive HBO through her eyeballs. 


Golden Quote of the Day

Young Girls

Seriously. How much do I wish it!

Also, technically that is a young version of Sophia. Just sayin' is all.

How much does Lynnie Greene look like Bea Arthur here? So much! Incredible casting, she makes the perfect younger Dorothy. Maybe that's why we never saw a young Rose or young Blanche...they couldn't cast anyone nearly as awesome as they did for Dorothy. Mystery solved!

First Line, Last Line

Rose's first and Last Line
Episode 1, Season 1: The Engagement

Rose: Hi!

Dorothy/Coco: Hi Rose!

Rose:What a day, one sad person after another!

Episode 24, Season 7: One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest Part 2

Rose: this goodbye?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Line, Last Line

Dorothy's first and last lines

Episode 1, Season 1: The Engagement

Dorothy: I taught a class today, the finest school in Dade County. Two girls had shaved heads and 3 boys had green hair.

Episode 24, Season 7: One Flew Out Of The Cockoo's Nest Part 2

Dorothy:You'll always be my sisters. Always

Editorial note: Sniff! Must have got some dust in my eyes...(Goes off to cry in a corner).

Golden Quote of the Day