You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Great Quiz Ya'll Must Take!

Take this awesome quiz, and let me know which GG you really are. And be honest, don't cheat just so you don't have to be Rose.

And guess who I am?

You are a free spirit who wastes little time worrying about others' opinions of your behavior. You seem to share Blanche's man-hungry, flirtatious style. You have many admirers but are fickle in love and are looking to be treated like a lady. Like Blanche, you have a tendency toward vanity and a lifelong obsession with looking young, and also a strong jealous streak. Deep down, you are a little girl at heart. But the good news is that you are always the life of the party, and there is no one more fun to be around than you!

LOL! This is not an accurate quiz, 'cause I'm totally a Dorothy!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Golden Mistakes

In season 6 Dorothy mentions that she always wanted a pet, a pony specifically. She mentions how she never had a pet before, with the exception of a little paper bird on a stick.

However, in season 2, episode 9, "Joust Between Friends", Dorothy doesn't like the stray dog Rose has brought home. Over time they do grow close, and Dorothy confesses to dog that she did love a dog once, Schnauzer named Wawa who had been their family pet and whom their daughter Kate had named.

So which one is it Dorothy? No pet but paper bird or Wawa the Dog?

Golden Quote of the Day

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Two Merry Widows

From Season 1, Episode 18 "The Operation"

I always thought Dorothy was being a giant bitch at the end of this episode (see bottom panel). It's not Rose or Blanche's fault she couldn't participate in the show, making them have to change their act and cut Dorothy out.

Also, how cute are they in their sexy little tux suits? Too cute!

Golden Quote of the Day

Blanche: What do you wear to a sperm bank?

Dorothy: Something attractive in rubber.

Blanche: I have that.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Golden Quote of the Day

Dorothy: Why can't you sleep on the couch and give Clayton and Doug your room?

Blanche: Are you crazy, what will the neighbours think if they see two men in my bedroom?

Sophia: They'll think it's Tuesday.