You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Golden Cuties!

Me wantee!

Adorable! These should also be made in pillow size, I'd get a Dorothy one.

What the HELL is she wearing now?

Ok, there are 3 gals in this picture. Can you guess which one I'm talking about?

Here are some clues:

It's not the short one

It's not the blonde one

It is the one that looks like a Big Bird Mariachi Stripper.

Get off that piano Blanche, nobody thinks you're sexy! The Maraca's are just making it worse!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Glad to know I'm not the only one...

Who doesn't get hot over Estelle, really?

So easily forgiven...

How many of their fights ended this way? All of them? Or with Rose asking for a group hug. If only!

Also, horrible dress there, Blanche! Good God, it looks like a little pink pinafore. I know she's the youngest of the girls, but she's 60, not 6!

5 Little Facts-Estelle Getty

  • Her birth name was Estelle Scher, her married name is Estelle Gettleman.
  • Stood a whopping 4'10"
  • Was married to Arthur Gettleman (until his death in 2004). They had 2 children: Carl Gettleman and Barry Gettleman.
  • Was nicknamed "Slats" by her Golden Girls costars because of her short height and light weight. Other nicknames included "Stella" and "Ettle"
  • Passed away on July 22 2008, only three days before her 85th birthday

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Really didn't need to know that Betty...

Golden Chibi

At least that's what I'm calling them!

Another artist has jumped on the GG bandwagon, and is making and selling Golden Art. These are cute, chibi-esque drawings of our four favourite gals.

 Rose Nylund
 Dorothy Zbornak
 Blanche Devereaux
 Sophia Petrillo
And a group shot, showing just how enormously huge Dorothy is in comparison to the other ladies.

This dude sells these prints, as well as these images on shirts, sweaters and bags. Check it out, or you know, don't. I don't really care.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Favourite Moment: Backstabbing Slut

There is nothing more awesome than being able to re-watch episodes of your favourite show over and over, and still end up dying of laughter at a certain point. No matter how many times you watch it, it is always as hilarious as the first time.

In this particular episode (Season 5, Dancing in the Dark), Rose has decided to break it off with Miles, as she feels he is too learned for her simple St. Olaf self. Rose asks Blanche to be her stand in on the date. Initially Blanche refuses, but is eventually convinced by Rose to go. Dorothy thinks the whole thing is a bad idea. Then Rose busts out one of her best lines in the whole series.

Tell me that doesn't just kill you. Pure, awesome Rose! And really Blanche, what were you thinking? You never date a guy who your friend has dated. Golden rule.