You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Monday, April 30, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

Rose: Well, you're not going to believe this...I've just been talking on the phone for a half hour and guess what!
Blanche: You forgot to dial first?
Rose: No!
Dorothy: You held the receiver upside down?
Rose: Nuh Uh
Dorothy: It wasn't even the phone, it was the t.v. remote control?
Rose: No!
Blanche: A shoe?
Rose: Blanche, Please! I'm not an idiot...the t.v. has a remote control?

Rose, you dirrrty girl!

I was slightly shocked when I found these, but once it wore off I have to say these are actually pretty cute. I don't know if they've been confirmed as actually Betty, but the first one sure does look like her. I love the gloves and ear muffs, those will keep her nice and warm!

I'm surprised at how, um, tiny her breasts look. As a GG she was a busty lady. Also the last picture is just adorable.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Golden e-cards

 I'll be the first to admit that I really have no idea what these things are. I see them all over the place, are they actually "cards" you send to people, are they just funny crap choking up the web? I dunno. But they mention GG's, so they're all good
I am sir, I am.

Golden Quote of the Day

If this sauce were a person, I'd get naked and make love to it.
~Sophia Petrillo


Damn Straight she is!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Miami, Miami, You've got Style!

From Season 2, Episode 6, "Big Daddy's Little Lady".

I'm totalling ignoring the rest of this episode, all I want to focus on is this kick-ass song! Written by Rose and Dorothy, winning second place in the contest, this song tells us how nice Miami living is...for a senior.

Miami Jingle

I have to say what I feel...
Miami has so much appeal...
A great place to get a seafood meal...

Miami, Miami, you've got style.
Blue skies, sunshine, white sand by the mile.

When you live in this town,
each day is sublime.
The coldest of winters,
are warm and divine.

Miami, Miami, you've got style.
Blue skies, sunshine, white sand by the mile.

There's golf clubs and nightclubs,
all within reach.
Dance the samba till morning,
then lay on the beach.
Each view is a postcard,
each day a great time.
The cream of the crop,
it's the top of the line.

Miami, Miami, you've got style.
Blue skies, sunshine, white sand by the mile.

Miami, you've got style!

I do have to say, I also really enjoyed the "Miami is nice, now I'll say it thrice" and "Miami is cuter than, an inter-uterine..." versions as well.

Golden Quote of the Day

He is so sophisticated and charming and rich and handsome. He fairly screams Blanche. At least, he will when I'm through with him
~Blanche Devereaux

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Birth of Dorothy

I'm somewhat surprised this artist chose Dorothy as Venus. The Goddess of Love and Beauty seems more "Blanche style" (or is she Narcissus?)

And the original

Golden Quote of the Day

Blanche: The Great Herring War?

Rose: Between the Lindstroms and the Johannsons.

Dorothy: Oh, THAT Great Herring War!

And the scene...
 Click on Picture for a clip

Monday, April 23, 2012

Really Old Cupcakes Anyone?

Found this image while snooping around on Google. Excellent idea whoever made these!

Golden Quote of the Day

You'll have to excuse my mother. She suffered a slight stroke a few years ago which rendered her totally annoying.
~Dorothy Zbornak

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Golden Porn?

Google is an interesting monster.

While searching for GG images, we...stumbled across some very interesting pictures. Very interesting indeed...

We can't help but wonder how accurate this art is?

Dorothy: There is no way they were this big, or this perky.
Rose: Ok, seriously. Why does the GG with the biggest rack in real life end up having the smallest one here?
Sophia: Pretty Damn accurate. What is she standing in front of though? Is that Shady Pines?
Blanche: Waaaaay too big! She was packing a pair of mosquito bites in real life, where did these babies come from? Also, gignormous nipples! I do like the gloves though, adds a touch of Southern Charm.

And then there's this one. NSFW peoples, put the kiddies to bed!

Yep Dorothy, we're making that face too.

Info on these pics and artist here and here.

Favourite Golden Moment?

We here at TYFBAF are hardcore GG fans, However we will accept that there may be some others out there who are as freakishly fannish as we are. We'll share our fave moments with you, you share yours with us? Capice?

Elisa: My favourite GG moment is from Season 3, Episode 2 "One for the Money". The best part of this episode, or for that matter any episode, is the Dance-a-thon. Dorothy, Rose and Blanche have all signed up for a Dance-a-thon, all hoping to win some moolah, all behind each others backs. The "girls" end up all in competition with each other, and Rose busts out these awesome moves...
Click the picture for a clip

Katie: My fave GG moment is also from Season 3, Episode 1 "Old Friends". The best part of this episode is right near the end, when Daisy has come to coerce more money out of Blanche and Dorothy for the return of Fernando, Rose's precious Teddy Bear. Rose learns that Daisy is asking for a ton of cash for the bear, and decides that she doesn't want the girls to pay out that money. She then pulls the most amazing moves in the history of anything...
Click the picture for a clip 

Rose, though awesome, is both of our least favourites of the GG's.  We were both surprised to realize that she was the star in both of our favourite moments. Funny old world, innit?

So our question for you is which moment is your favourite one? Leave a comment below recapping your greatest Golden moment, you baciagaloops!

Golden Quotes

 Dr. Kagan? Hubba hubba zing zing, baby, he's got everything ~ Rose Nylund

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Best Bumper Sticker in Existence?

I think so!

I desperately need this!

Golden Quote of the Day

Game Show Host: For one hundred dollars, complete this famous phrase: "Better late than... "
Blanche: Pregnant!
Game Show Host: No, Blanche, that's incorrect... though not entirely untrue

*Dunno who made this image, but it sure wasn't me. Credit goes to them.

Golden Quote of the Day

There is a fine line between having a good time and being a wanton slut. I know. My toe has been on that line.
~Blanche Devereaux

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Golden Quote of the Day

"Jealousy is a very ugly thing, Dorothy. And so are you, in anything backless."
-Sophia Petrillo

Betty White on "Community"

A good show in its own right, the addition of Betty just making it all the more awesome. Too bad she wont be a recurring character though.

Enjoy the Anthropology Rap:Click the picture to be taken to a clip from the show

From: Community, Season 2, Episode 1: Anthropology 101

Our favourite old ladies when they were youngsters

Bea Arthur: looking serious as ever, but to my surprise she was actually a quite lovely looking young lady. Bea has always reminded me of my Oma, and even in this picture the resemblance is striking.
Rue McClanahan: Yep. Sexy. That apple looks rotten though...
Betty White:She looked old even when she was young, didn't she?

Shady Pines...

Doesn't that just say it all?