You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die.~Rose Nylund

Sunday, May 6, 2012

That Classic Theme Song

Without exaggerating, I think every single person in the world knows every single word to The Golden Girls theme song.

So, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. But really, even people who aren't fans of the show ( aka: stupid jerks), can usually belt out the first few lines of the song with very little prompting. It's probably one of the best known theme songs out there (my opinion), tying in awesomeness with only a few others, like The Littlest Hobo, Thundercats and the Raccoons! ( also my opinion).

Cynthia Fee sang the theme song for the series, and apparently did nothing else (at least in the show business industry) that I can find. I guess if you are only going to have one huge success in your music career this was a pretty good way to go.

But did you know that it was originally written and recorded in 1978 by Singer/Songwriter Andrew Gold, whose version was a minor hit on the Billboard Pop Chart. He also did nothing else that I've ever heard of, but it seems he was somewhat popular in the 70's and has a bit of a fan base.

Also, because I know your dying to have this typed out for you, the lyrics:

Thank You For Being a Friend

Thank you for being a friend
Travelled down the road and back again
Your heart is true,
you're a pal and a confidant

And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
You would see
the biggest gift would be from me,
and the card attached would say:
Thank you for being a friend

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